Showing 1–36 of 78 results

Acei Cichlid

Pseudotropheus Acei The Acei cichlid, or yellow tail violet cichlid, is  valued for its unique color pattern. The Acei cichlid

African Cichlid Assortment (Lot of 8)

African Cichlid Assortment AquariumFishSale selected a mix of pseudotropheus, melanochromis, and labeotropheus that will grow well together and display a

Albino Brichardi Cichlid

Brichardi Cichlid Albino The brichardi cichlid is a great example of Lake Tanganyika dwarf cichlids and the albino brichardi is

Altolamprologus Compressiceps Cichlid

Orange Head Altolamprologus Compressiceps These are bred in a few color variations, AFS generally offers the “orange head” variety. The

Biotecus Fairy Cichlid

Biotecus Fairy Cichlid Biotecus Fairy Cichlids only grow to 1 1/2 inches and are found in small ponds in Brazil.

Borleyi Kadango Cichlid

Borleyi Kadango The borleyi kadango, also called the yellow fin borleyi cichlid, displays bold reds blues and subtle yellows. The

Brevis Shell Dweller

Brevis Shell Dweller AFS uses a select breeder to bring out the best color for this cute little shell dweller,

Brichardi Cichlid

Brichardi Cichlid  The brichardi cichlid is a great example of Lake Tanganyika dwarf cichlids. Also called the Fairy Cichlid, the

Brichardi Cichlid – Daffodil

Daffodil Brichardi Cichlid The daffodil is slightly different than the brichardi fairy cichlid, but not much. This variety is a

Buescheri Cichlid

Buescheri Cichlid AFS uses a select breeder to bring out the best color for this cichlid, and the larger it

Buffalo Head Cichlid

Buffalo Head Cichlid The Buffalo Head Cichlid, also called the Lionhead cichlid or African blockhead, have a distinct fat forehead

Bulu Point Tropheus

Bulu Point Tropheus The bulu point tropheus moorii, or cherry spot tropheus, displays large cherry red blotches on a black

Bumblebee Cichlid

Bumblebee Cichlid Just like the name, this “honey” of a fish has the coloration of a bumblebee. The bumblebee cichlid

Buttikoferi Cichlid

Buttikoferi Cichlid Once this fish gets to ten inches it should be given its own tank or eaten. This is

Calvus Cichlid

Calvus Cichlid Orange Ink Fin The calvus cichlid is the most popular Lake Tanganyikan cichlid in the aquarium trade. These fish


Neolamprologus caudopunctatus This Tanganyika cichlid with the long name is best known for the colorful small spots on the dorsal

Cobalt Blue Cichlid

Cobalt Blue Cichlid One of the most popular mbunas due to its solid cobalt blue color and gets along with

Compressiceps Cichlid

Compressiceps Cichlid A strange looking fish with the scary nick name Malawi Eye-biter, they are no worse than any other

Compressiceps Cichlid Albino

Compressiceps Cichlid Albino Already a strange looking fish with the scary nick name Malawi Eye-biter, the albino compressiceps features red

Copadichromis mbenjii

Copadichromis mbenjii The copadichromis azureus mbenjii is a rare cousin of the more common African cichlid borleyi kadango. The copadichromis

Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef

Zebra Afra Cichlid The zebra afra cichlid, or dogtooth cichlid, maybe the most colorful of the dwarf cichlids from Lake

Cyprichromis leptosoma kitumba

Cyprichromis leptosoma kitumba The beautiful cyprichromis cichlid is a perfect example of the dither fish. Dithering fish are schooling fish that,

Demasoni Cichlid

Demasoni Cichlid Demasoni are beautiful and curious fish, continuously exploring the nooks around the aquarium. They only get to 4”

Dolphin Cichlid

Dolphin Cichlid The dolphin cichlid is also called the moori cichlid. This fish really does resemble a dolphin as it

Electric Blue Cichlid

Electric Blue Cichlid The electric blue cichlid is one of the most popular pet fish from Lake Malawi. These cichlids

Electric Yellow Cichlid

Electric Yellow Cichlid The electric yellow cichlid is also called the electric yellow lab. These labs may not make the

Enantiopus kilesa

Enantiopus kilesa Here is another Tanganyikan that is so rare that we have to say the full name – apparently

Frontosa Blue Zaire

Zaire Blue Frontosa Also know as a Blue Mpimbwe, is rare, difficult to breed, and commands a higher price than other

Frontosa Cichlid

Frontosa Cichlid The Frontosa Cichlid lives twenty five years and grows to about one foot. These are splendid cichlids and

Frontosa Red

Red Frontosa The red frontosa is variation of the Burundi frontosa bred in Taiwan to bring out a red color

Fuelleborni Cichlid Blue

Blue Fueleborni Cichlid The blue fuelleborni, also called marmelade fuelleborni cichlid, is an algae scaper in the wild but will

Fuelleborni Cichlid Orange Blossom

Orange Blossom Fuelleborni Cichlid The orange blossom fuelleborni, also called the OB fuelleborni cichlid, is an algae scaper in the

Gold Ocellatus Cichlid

Gold Ocellatus  The gold lamprologus ocellatus cichlid is one of the most desired and hard to find shell dwellers among

Gold Sexfasciatus Cichlid

Gold Sexfasciatus Cichlid Gold with banded stripes, these make an attractive fish and hardy enough to keep in a African

Gracilis Brichardi

Gracilis Brichardi The Gracilis Brichardi, or simply Gracilis, is a small Lake Tanganyika variation of the larger brichardi cichlid. Gracilis

Hecqui Shell Dweller

Hecqui Shell Dweller The hecqui shell dweller is similar in behavior to the brevis shell dweller but grows just about