Showing 37–62 of 62 results

L397 ALENQUER TIGER PLECO (Panaqolus sp.)

In recent times, L397 has become increasingly popular in the hobby. This is certainly due to the very striking coloration of juveniles. It's actually a very rare species in the hobby, but due to some successful breeders like Cristoffer Forssander in Sweden, significant numbers of L397 are now on the market. It's a hardy and easy-to-maintain species as long as the wood is provided for their diet

(L-114) Flametail Gibbiceps Pleco 3″

This fish originates from Rio Gemini (Brazil) which drains into Rio Negro. The tomato red coloration on the dorsal and caudal fins is the reason behind its popularity. It is a beautiful variety of what are called ‘Fancy Pleco-s’. Because of its max size, a larger aquarium is a must. This is a purely carnivorous pleco that produces quite a bit of waste; good filtration is definitely required. It is a nocturnal feeder, so feed as late as you can. Highly oxygenated water is a must; good water flow and driftwood are highly recommended, as are rocky hiding places. Avoid mixing with other pleco-s as fights over territory would be inevitable. As it gets larger it produces quite a bit of waste, so a robust filtration system cannot be overstressed.


The Longfin Albino Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus cf. cirrhosis), also known as the Albino Bushynose or Bushymouth Pleco, is a member of the Loricariidae family of South American suckermouth catfishes. While many suckermouth catfish species have yet to be bred on any major scale in aquariums, the Longfin Bristlenose Pleco is one of the most easily- and often-bred “pleco” species in the aquarium hobby and many popular color morphs, such as this variety, have been developed. This fish is immediately distinguishable by its highly variable pink and yellow marbled pattern as well as the growth of many bristle-like appendages on its facial area beginning in sub-adulthood. Both sexes grow the appendages, but the growth and length is much more pronounced in males.

L-106 Orange Seam Pleco


L-104 Clown Stripe Pleco


L-034 Medusa Pleco


L-007 Galaxy Vampire Pleco

L-007 Galaxy Vampire Pleco The Vampire family of plecos receive their name due to a sharp tooth on the sucker

ALBINO L333 KING TIGER PLECO (Hypancistrus sp. L333 Albino)



Hypostomus luteus is a quite spectacular and unusual Pleco. Only in recent years has it become a new sensation in the aquarium hobby, and it's among the most expensive Plecos on the market. It hails from the border region between Brazil and Argentina, which means it should not be kept in too warm water (18-24 C). One of the extraordinary traits of Hypostomus luteus is how it changes its appearance from juvenile to adult; young specimens are dark grey/black with small golden spots and a yellow caudal fin. As they age, they gradually transform into all golden/orange adults. If the temperature requirements are met and enough space and food are given, Hypostomus luteus is a hardy and easy to keep Pleco. It's currently not allowed for export from Brazil, so most individuals are exported from Argentina and Uruguay.

Blue Eyed Pleco


L250 Imperial Zebra Pleco

L-250 True Imperial Zebra Pleco The L-250 Imperial Zebra Pleco is a rarely imported or even seen larger variation of

L-600 Leopard Pleco

L-600 Leopard Pleco Not often seen in the USA, these Brazilian plecos are part of the “cactus” type and become

L-398 Tankei Tiger Pleco

L-398 Tankei Tiger Pleco New to the trade from Brazil, the L-398 plecostomus was first described by collector Christian Andreas

L-350 Black Coal Pleco

L-350 Black Coal Pleco The L-350 Black Coal Pleco, or the Imperial Coal Pleco, is caught in larger streams off

L-330 Gold Royal Pleco

L-330 Gold Royal (Watermelon) Pleco Royal Plecos earn their name for their beautiful gold and green color patterns and the

L-264 Sultan Pleco

L-264 Sultan Pleco The uncommon and lovely Sultan pleco comes from a small river off the the Amazon in Brazil.

L-260 Queen Arabesque Pleco

L-260 Queen Arabesque Pleco The queen arabesque pleco, sometimes grouped in with the gyspy king pleco as an Imperial King

L-257 Tigrinnis Pleco

L-257 Tigrinnis Pleco The L-257 Tigrinnis Pleco from Colombia and Brazil is tough to find and a bit pricey, but

L-244 Orange Dumus Pleco

L-244 Orange Dumus Pleco The Dumus pleco is beautiful, peaceful, and only grows to six inches. These catfish are hardy

L-24 Red Fin Cactus Pleco

L-24 Red Fin Cactus Pleco As more dams are built in Brazil the Cactus family of plecos are getting harder

L-239 Blue Panaque Pleco

L-239 Blue Pleco The L-239 pleco is a solid navy blue – very unique for salt water or freshwater fish.

L-183 Starlight Bristlenose Pleco

Starlight Pleco L59 and L183 The L183 Starlight Pleco is sometimes referred to as the L59 starry night pleco.  This

L-18 Gold Nugget Pleco

Gold Nugget Pleco  The Gold Nugget Pleco comes in three basic color variations, but these are generally referred to as

L-160 Spotted Cactus Pleco

L-160 Spotted Cactus Pleco The L-160 is a rare pleco and seldom found since the expansion of the hydroelectric power

L-14 Goldie Pleco

L-14 Goldie Pleco The L-14 comes by a lot of names, including the golden peacock, goldy, goldie, and sunshine.  Regardless,

L-134 Leopard Frog Pleco

L-134 Leopard Frog Pleco Plecostomus are a specialty of Aquarium Fish Sale.  These catfish originate in South America and many