Showing 1–36 of 85 results

Albino Oscar

Albino Oscar Oscars are one of the most popular South American Cichlids and will grow to a foot in size.

Albino Threadfin Geophagus

Threadfin Geophagus – Albino The albino threadfin geophagus is a bit more dramatic than your typical albino cichlid morph. These

Albino Tiger Oscar

Albino Tiger Oscar The albino tiger oscar will grow to a large aggressive aquarium fish and should be kept alone

Albino Tiger Oscar Long Fin

Albino Long Fin Tiger Oscar The albino version of the long fin tiger oscar offers a dramatic bright addition to

Altifrons Cichlid

Altifrons Cichlid Eartheaters are a group of species, most belonging to the genus geophagus that share physical characteristics – when

Angel Veil Ram

Angel Veil Ram Ram is short for the species name “ramireze”, but also reminiscent of their tendency to butt heads

Apisto Cacatuoides

Apistogramma Cockatoo Cichlid The male Cockatoo or Apistogramma Cacatuoides dwarf cichlid is truly magnificent when he grows to his full

Apisto Cacatuoides Double Red

Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red The male Cockatoo or Apistogramma Cacatuoides dwarf cichlid is truly magnificent when he grows to his

Apistogramma Agassizi

Apistogramma Agassizi (Wild) Apistogramma agassizi in the wild come in several color morphs. The most common is gold an red

Apistogramma Agassizi Double Red

Double Red Apistogramma Agassizi  The show double red Apistogramma agassizi is bred to show the most of the male colors,

Apistogramma Agassizi Dwarf Blue Peruvian

Apistogramma Agassizi Dwarf Blue Peruvian Apistogramma agassizi in the wild come in several color morphs. The blues are particularly pretty.

Apistogramma Baenschi Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Baenschi Dwarf Cichlid Apistogrammas and rams are the smallest cichlids and are very adaptive to planted and community tanks.

Apistogramma Borellii Dwarf Cichlid

Borellii Dwarf Cichlid Borellii male apistos feature all blue (the steel blue variety) if tank raised,  to the wild variation

Apistogramma Eunotus Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Eunotus Dwarf Cichlid AquariumFishSale imports the Eunotus dwarf cichlids from Peru as they tend to grow larger and more

Apistogramma Hongsloi Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Hongsloi Dwarf Cichlid AquariumFishSale imports the Hongsloi dwarf cichlids from Peru as they tend to grow larger and more

Apistogramma Iniridae Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Iniridae Dwarf Cichlid The Iniridae apistogramma comes from Columbia and are the smallest cichlids and are very adaptive to

Apistogramma Juruensis Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Juruensis Dwarf Cichlid We import our Juruensis apistos from peru. Peruvian apistogrammas tend to grow larger and feature more

Apistogramma Macmasteri Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Macmasteri Dwarf Cichlid We import our Macmasteri apistogramma from Columbia. This species is one the the hardiest of the

Apistogramma Sunset Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Sunset Dwarf Cichlid Viejita apistogrammas are called the sunset apistogramms due to their strong yellow and orange colors as

Apistogramma Wild (Set of 4)

Apistogramma Set of 4  Our wild apistogramma come from small streams in the Colombia basin of the Amazon and can

Atromaculatus Cichlid

Atromaculatus Cichlid Central and South American cichlids range from rare atramaculatus to common blue acara, though common is not a

Azul Peacock Bass

Azul Peacock Bass The azul peacock bass is named for the blue fins on the adult body – fins are

Bandit Cichlid

Bandit Cichlid The bandit cichlid is caught in Colombia and named for the broad black vertical lines that look a

Black Convict Cichlid

Black Convict Cichlid Central and South American cichlids range from rare atramaculatus to common blue acara, though common is not

Black Line Pike Cichlid

Black Line Pike Cichlid Black line pikes have a cream color body and bold black horizontal lines. Pike cichlids are

Blood Red Parrot Cichlid

Blood Red Parrot Cichlid This odd fish, the blood red parrot cichlid,  never existed in the wild and it never

Blue Acara Cichlid

Blue Acara Cichlid The wild Blue Acara are quite a colorful fish an inhabit small streams of the Amazon basin. These

Blue Ram

Blue Ram (XL) The blue blue ram is the bred aquarium hardy version of the wild ram of Columbia. These

Bolivian Ram

Bolivian Ram The Bolivian ram is a separate species from the blue rams – which have been bred to many

Checkerboard Cichlid

Dwarf Checkerboard Cichlid The dwarf checkerboard cichlid is shy and peaceful and small. These dwarf cichlids are at their best

Colombian Ram

Colombian Ram Ram is short for the species name “ramireze”, but also reminiscent of their tendency to butt heads like

Cupid Cichlid

Cupid Cichlid Wild cupido or Cupid cichlids have a little bullseye pattern for cupid’s arrow. These are gentle South American

Daemon Cichlid

Daemon Cichlid Eartheaters are a group of species, most belonging to the genus geophagus that share physical characteristics – when

Diamond Blue Flowerhorn

Diamond Blue Flowerhorn Like the blood red parrot cichlid, the flowerhorn cichlid is a successful hybrid from two or several

Dolphin Head Pike Cichlid

Dolphin Head Pike Cichlid If someone described this fish without an actual photo nobody would believe it. Rarely seen on

Dwarf Flag Acara

Dwarf Flag Acara Dwarf flag acaras are Central American dwarf cichlids, now primarily bred in the USA for the aquairum