Showing 1–36 of 309 results

(L-114) Flametail Gibbiceps Pleco 3″

This fish originates from Rio Gemini (Brazil) which drains into Rio Negro. The tomato red coloration on the dorsal and caudal fins is the reason behind its popularity. It is a beautiful variety of what are called ‘Fancy Pleco-s’. Because of its max size, a larger aquarium is a must. This is a purely carnivorous pleco that produces quite a bit of waste; good filtration is definitely required. It is a nocturnal feeder, so feed as late as you can. Highly oxygenated water is a must; good water flow and driftwood are highly recommended, as are rocky hiding places. Avoid mixing with other pleco-s as fights over territory would be inevitable. As it gets larger it produces quite a bit of waste, so a robust filtration system cannot be overstressed.

(L-235) Flat Flyer Pleco 3″

This is a beautiful variety of what are called ‘Fancy Pleco-s’; it originates from the Upper and lower Orinoco tributaries, Caura and Aro rivers in Venezuela. Juveniles like this one have beautiful white spots that pop on their dark black body. Good (oxygen-rich) water flow and driftwood are a must, while a pebbly substrate and rocky hiding places are highly recommended (to recreate the bottom of a flowing river). Flat Flyer Plecos are considered peaceful community fish, but like most fancy plecos, they can be territorial and aggressive towards conspecifics & other bottom dwellers. Avoid mixing with other plecos unless the tank is big enough to establish separate territories (at least 1 square foot per pleco, with decorations as dividers). It is an omnivore, so be sure to feed a mixed variety of meaty and veggie-based foods; it is a nocturnal feeder, so feed as late as you can.

12″ Scarlet Cactus Pleco (L-025)

This is a beautiful variety of what are called ‘Fancy Pleco-s’; it originates from Rio Xingu in Brazil. Because of its maximum size, a large setup with powerful filtration is required, as is proper maintenance of water quality. It is more carnivorous than it is herbivorous, so be sure to feed a mix of foods. It is a nocturnal feeder, so feed as late as you can. Highly oxygenated water is a must; good water flow and driftwood are highly recommended, as are rocky hiding places. Avoid mixing with other pleco-s as fights over territory would be inevitable. As it gets larger it produces quite a bit of waste, so a robust filtration system cannot be overstressed

3″ King Tiger Pleco (L-066)

This is a beautiful variety of what are called ‘Fancy Pleco-s’. It originates from whitewater sections of the Rio Xingu near the town of Belo Monte (Brazil). Their max size and peaceful nature make them a popular addition to peaceful-community aquariums. Good (oxygen-rich) waterflow and driftwood are a must, while a pebbly substrate and rocky hiding places are highly recommended (to recreate the bottom of a flowing river). King Tigers are considered peaceful community fish, but like most fancy plecos, they can be territorial and aggressive towards conspecifics & other bottom dwellers. Avoid mixing with other pleco-s unless the tank is big enough to establish separate territories (at least 1.5 square feet per pleco, with decorations as dividers). It is more of a carnivore than a herbivore, so be sure to feed a mix of meaty and veggie-based foods; it is a nocturnal feeder, so feed as late as you can.


Hypostomus luteus is a quite spectacular and unusual Pleco. Only in recent years has it become a new sensation in the aquarium hobby, and it's among the most expensive Plecos on the market. It hails from the border region between Brazil and Argentina, which means it should not be kept in too warm water (18-24 C). One of the extraordinary traits of Hypostomus luteus is how it changes its appearance from juvenile to adult; young specimens are dark grey/black with small golden spots and a yellow caudal fin. As they age, they gradually transform into all golden/orange adults. If the temperature requirements are met and enough space and food are given, Hypostomus luteus is a hardy and easy to keep Pleco. It's currently not allowed for export from Brazil, so most individuals are exported from Argentina and Uruguay.

Acei Cichlid

Pseudotropheus Acei The Acei cichlid, or yellow tail violet cichlid, is  valued for its unique color pattern. The Acei cichlid

African Cichlid Assortment (Lot of 8)

African Cichlid Assortment AquariumFishSale selected a mix of pseudotropheus, melanochromis, and labeotropheus that will grow well together and display a

Agassizi Cory

Agassizi Cory These cute little scavangers grow to just under two inches with a leopard pattern. Like all corys, these dwarf

Albino Aeneus Cory

Albino Aeneus Cory The albino cory is a color morph of corydora aeneus. Cory catfish are found in still or

Albino Brichardi Cichlid

Brichardi Cichlid Albino The brichardi cichlid is a great example of Lake Tanganyika dwarf cichlids and the albino brichardi is

ALBINO L333 KING TIGER PLECO (Hypancistrus sp. L333 Albino)


Albino Oscar

Albino Oscar Oscars are one of the most popular South American Cichlids and will grow to a foot in size.

Albino Rainbow Shark

Albino Rainbow Shark Rainbow sharks from Indonesia have deep red fins on a silver body. These sharks are actually catfish

Albino Sterbai Cory

Albino Sterbai Cory The albino sterbai cory is a leopard cory with gold high-lights, bred to display a primary pink

Albino Threadfin Geophagus

Threadfin Geophagus – Albino The albino threadfin geophagus is a bit more dramatic than your typical albino cichlid morph. These

Albino Tiger Oscar

Albino Tiger Oscar The albino tiger oscar will grow to a large aggressive aquarium fish and should be kept alone

Albino Tiger Oscar Long Fin

Albino Long Fin Tiger Oscar The albino version of the long fin tiger oscar offers a dramatic bright addition to

Altifrons Cichlid

Altifrons Cichlid Eartheaters are a group of species, most belonging to the genus geophagus that share physical characteristics – when

Altolamprologus Compressiceps Cichlid

Orange Head Altolamprologus Compressiceps These are bred in a few color variations, AFS generally offers the “orange head” variety. The

Angel Veil Ram

Angel Veil Ram Ram is short for the species name “ramireze”, but also reminiscent of their tendency to butt heads

Apisto Cacatuoides

Apistogramma Cockatoo Cichlid The male Cockatoo or Apistogramma Cacatuoides dwarf cichlid is truly magnificent when he grows to his full

Apisto Cacatuoides Double Red

Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red The male Cockatoo or Apistogramma Cacatuoides dwarf cichlid is truly magnificent when he grows to his

Apistogramma Agassizi

Apistogramma Agassizi (Wild) Apistogramma agassizi in the wild come in several color morphs. The most common is gold an red

Apistogramma Agassizi Double Red

Double Red Apistogramma Agassizi  The show double red Apistogramma agassizi is bred to show the most of the male colors,

Apistogramma Agassizi Dwarf Blue Peruvian

Apistogramma Agassizi Dwarf Blue Peruvian Apistogramma agassizi in the wild come in several color morphs. The blues are particularly pretty.

Apistogramma Baenschi Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Baenschi Dwarf Cichlid Apistogrammas and rams are the smallest cichlids and are very adaptive to planted and community tanks.

Apistogramma Borellii Dwarf Cichlid

Borellii Dwarf Cichlid Borellii male apistos feature all blue (the steel blue variety) if tank raised,  to the wild variation

Apistogramma Eunotus Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Eunotus Dwarf Cichlid AquariumFishSale imports the Eunotus dwarf cichlids from Peru as they tend to grow larger and more

Apistogramma Hongsloi Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Hongsloi Dwarf Cichlid AquariumFishSale imports the Hongsloi dwarf cichlids from Peru as they tend to grow larger and more

Apistogramma Iniridae Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Iniridae Dwarf Cichlid The Iniridae apistogramma comes from Columbia and are the smallest cichlids and are very adaptive to

Apistogramma Juruensis Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Juruensis Dwarf Cichlid We import our Juruensis apistos from peru. Peruvian apistogrammas tend to grow larger and feature more

Apistogramma Macmasteri Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Macmasteri Dwarf Cichlid We import our Macmasteri apistogramma from Columbia. This species is one the the hardiest of the

Apistogramma Sunset Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma Sunset Dwarf Cichlid Viejita apistogrammas are called the sunset apistogramms due to their strong yellow and orange colors as

Apistogramma Wild (Set of 4)

Apistogramma Set of 4  Our wild apistogramma come from small streams in the Colombia basin of the Amazon and can

Apollo Shark

Apollo Shark Named for the long fins reminiscent of the wings of another Apollo. These sharks, actually catfish, are seldom

Atromaculatus Cichlid

Atromaculatus Cichlid Central and South American cichlids range from rare atramaculatus to common blue acara, though common is not a