Multifasciatus Shell Dweller

Multifasciatus Shell Dweller The multifasciatus shell dweller, or multi shell dweller, actively defends his little territory around his shell –

Mustard Catfish

Mustard Catfish Synodontis albolineatus, or mustard cat, has broad white lines on a chocolate body, and on the edges the

Mylochromis ericotaenia

Mylochromis ericotaenia “Itungi” Lake Malawi has some remarkable cichlids and one of the most colorful is the Mylochromis. These African

Nanus Cory

Nanus Cory The little nanus cory only grows to about one and a half inches and has a black speckled

Neolamprologus Cylindricus Cichlid

Cylindricus Cichlid Difficult to find both in the wild and the breeder world, this is a beautiful tanganyikan available from

Nicaraguensis Cichlid

Nicaraguensis Cichlid Central and South American cichlids range from rare atramaculatus to common blue acara, though common is not a

Nyererei Cichlid

Nyererei Cichlid The nyererei cichlid has a name that is difficult to spell but an appearance that is easy to

Obliquidens Zebra Cichlid

Obliquidens Zebra CIchlid (large) The obliquedens zebra cichlid from Lake Victoria has zebra stripes on a red and yellow body,

Ophthalmotilapia Cichlid

Ventralis Nasuta Cichlid The opththalmotilapia is part of the ventralis cichlid family from Lake Tanganyika. The nasuta grows into a

Orange Laser Cory

Orange Laser Cory The orange laser aneaus cory catfish are found in still or slow moving clear waters in  Peru

Orange Leleupi Cichlid

Orange Leleupi Cichlid The orange leleupi cichlid, sometimes called the lemon leleupi cichlid, ranges from a yellow to deep orange

Lemon Blue Eye Bushynose Pleco


Lemon Cory

Lemon Cory The lemon cory is a rare little catfish from Peru featuring a light yellow body and small black

Lemon Oscar

Lemon Oscar It took a few years after the tiger oscar, but the yellow pigment was finally bred into this

Lenticulata Pike Cichlid

Lenticulata Pike Cichlid The lenticulata pike cichlid is a collectors dream. A rare and beautiful South American cichlid, these unusual

Leopard Skin Discus

Leopard Skin Discus The leopard skin discus variation was bred by Jack Wattley in the 1970s and once commanding an

Lima Shovelnose Catfish

Lima Shovelnose Catfish The Lima Shovelnose catfish, also called the duckbill catfish, has a unique broad flat shovel mouth and

Livingstoni Cichlid

Livingstoni Cichlid Normally the livingstoni cichild, male and female, exhibits a gold and brown mottled pattern similar to the venustus

Long Fin Blue Ram

Long fin Blue Ram The long fin blue ram has beautiful veil fins with the coloration of the German Blue

Long Fin Green Cory

Long Fin Green Cory The long fin green cory is a bred variation of the wild emerald green cory. These

Longior Cichlid

Neolamprologus Longior Cichlid The longior cichlid is also called the elongated orange cichlid and looks a little like a stretched

Maingano Electric Blue Cichlid

Maingano Cichlid The maingano cichlid, also called the electric blue maingano, has reflective blue lateral colors. These cichlids are active

Malawi Trout

Malawi Trout The Malawi Trout is an open water predator of Lake Malawi. These cichlids are shaped like torpedoes (and

Melanistius Cory

Melanistius Cory Cory melanistius is a lesser known leopard spotted cory from Peru and Colombia. These little catfish are similar

L-129 False Zebra Pleco


L-134 Leopard Frog Pleco

L-134 Leopard Frog Pleco Plecostomus are a specialty of Aquarium Fish Sale.  These catfish originate in South America and many

12″ Scarlet Cactus Pleco (L-025)

This is a beautiful variety of what are called ‘Fancy Pleco-s’; it originates from Rio Xingu in Brazil. Because of its maximum size, a large setup with powerful filtration is required, as is proper maintenance of water quality. It is more carnivorous than it is herbivorous, so be sure to feed a mix of foods. It is a nocturnal feeder, so feed as late as you can. Highly oxygenated water is a must; good water flow and driftwood are highly recommended, as are rocky hiding places. Avoid mixing with other pleco-s as fights over territory would be inevitable. As it gets larger it produces quite a bit of waste, so a robust filtration system cannot be overstressed

L-14 Goldie Pleco

L-14 Goldie Pleco The L-14 comes by a lot of names, including the golden peacock, goldy, goldie, and sunshine.  Regardless,

L-144 Bushynose Albino Longfin Pleco


L-144 Bushynose Albino Pleco


Hypancistrus sp. L236 (3-4 inches)


L-160 Spotted Cactus Pleco

L-160 Spotted Cactus Pleco The L-160 is a rare pleco and seldom found since the expansion of the hydroelectric power

L-18 Gold Nugget Pleco

Gold Nugget Pleco  The Gold Nugget Pleco comes in three basic color variations, but these are generally referred to as

L-183 Starlight Bristlenose Pleco

Starlight Pleco L59 and L183 The L183 Starlight Pleco is sometimes referred to as the L59 starry night pleco.  This

L-187A Spotted Rubberlip Pleco

L-187A Spotted Rubberlip Pleco The Spotted Rubberlip is a close cousin of the Rubberlip pleco and may be cross bred,

L-190 Royal Pleco
