Gold Algae Eater

Gold Algae Eater The gold algae eater is a color morph of the Chinese algae eater and bred in Thailand for

Gold Angel Veil Ram

Gold Angel Veil Ram Gold angel veil rams have long flowing deep yellow fins and a gold balloon body. Gold

Gold Ocellatus Cichlid

Gold Ocellatus  The gold lamprologus ocellatus cichlid is one of the most desired and hard to find shell dwellers among

Gold Severum

Gold Severum Many in the trade confuse the banded severum with the gold severum and the red spotted severum. Though

Gold Sexfasciatus Cichlid

Gold Sexfasciatus Cichlid Gold with banded stripes, these make an attractive fish and hardy enough to keep in a African

Festivus Cichlid

Festivus Cichlid The festivus cichlid, also called simply festivum, comes from Venezuala. Another name for the cichlid is the flag

Firemouth Cichlid

Firemouth Cichlid The firemouth cichlid is one of the hardiest South American cichlids available. These fish have red markings around

Flagtail Cory

Flagtail Cory The flagtail cory, or Gossei’s cory, has vertical bars on the tail like the stripes on a flag.

Flagtail Porthole Catfish

Flagtail Porthole Catfish The flagtail porthole catfish grows to 5 inches and sports a black and white banded caudal (tail)

Flying Fox Shark

Flying Fox Shark The flying fox shark is an algae eater but will become a primary scavenger as is grows to

Frontosa Blue Zaire

Zaire Blue Frontosa Also know as a Blue Mpimbwe, is rare, difficult to breed, and commands a higher price than other

Frontosa Cichlid

Frontosa Cichlid The Frontosa Cichlid lives twenty five years and grows to about one foot. These are splendid cichlids and

Frontosa Red

Red Frontosa The red frontosa is variation of the Burundi frontosa bred in Taiwan to bring out a red color

Fuelleborni Cichlid Blue

Blue Fueleborni Cichlid The blue fuelleborni, also called marmelade fuelleborni cichlid, is an algae scaper in the wild but will

Fuelleborni Cichlid Orange Blossom

Orange Blossom Fuelleborni Cichlid The orange blossom fuelleborni, also called the OB fuelleborni cichlid, is an algae scaper in the

Fuji Red Discus

Fuji Red Discus Fuji Red Discus are yet another development of the Discus great Jack Wattley. These remarkably bright discus

Galactic Purple Glofish Shark

Purple Glo Shark The Galactic Purple Glo Shark is a gene spliced albino rainbow shark. Rainbow sharks from Indonesia have

Geophagus Winemilleri

Geophagus Winemilleri The Winemilleri is also called the striped tail geophagus for the bright red markings on the tail which

German Black Ram

German Black Ram The German Black Ram, or Black Knight Ram, are the newest variation of the peaceful and colorful

German Blue Ram

German Blue Ram The german blue ram was bred in Germany a generation ago to provide a more colorful and

German Gold Ram

German Gold Ram Gold rams have a regal gold body with blue highlites. Ram is short for the species name

Giant Bumblebee Catfish

Giant Bumblebee Catfish The giant bumblebee catfish is also called the Jelly Cat, but we think the first name fits

Giant Checkerboard Cichlid

Giant Checkerboard Cichlid A rare treat to the trade, the giant checkerboard cichlid is shy and peaceful. These fish are

Dolphin Head Pike Cichlid

Dolphin Head Pike Cichlid If someone described this fish without an actual photo nobody would believe it. Rarely seen on

Dorado Catfish

Dorado Catfish The Dorado Catfish, or the Golitath Gilded Cat, is one of the largest known catfish in the World.

Dwarf Flag Acara

Dwarf Flag Acara Dwarf flag acaras are Central American dwarf cichlids, now primarily bred in the USA for the aquairum

Dwarf Petricola Catfish

Dwarf Petricola Catfish Petriola fish are small Synodontis. These fish are tan with black spots. They have white-lined black fins

Dwarf Polli Catfish

Dwarf Polli Catfish The polli synodontis, or Poll’s synodontis, are considered a dwarf species through this fish grows to four

Electric Blue Acara Cichlid

Electric Blue Acara Cichlid The electric blue acara was first bred in Asia and entered the trade about 2008. These

Electric Blue Balloon Ram

Electric Blue Balloon Ram Ram is short for the species name “ramireze”, but also reminiscent of their tendency to butt

Electric Blue Cichlid

Electric Blue Cichlid The electric blue cichlid is one of the most popular pet fish from Lake Malawi. These cichlids

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey The electric blue jack dempsey is a color morph of the natural jack dempsey and is

Electric Blue Ram

Electric blue rams are hardy and peaceful and brad to create a solid reflective blue body. The color is striking

Electric Catfish

Electric Catfish Electric catfish from Nigeria grow to 20 inches and can produce a shock of 200 volts to disable

Electric Green Glo Shark

Electric Green Glo Shark Electric green glow sharks are a gene spliced version of the albino rainbow shark. Rainbow sharks

Electric Yellow Cichlid

Electric Yellow Cichlid The electric yellow cichlid is also called the electric yellow lab. These labs may not make the