Elegans Cory

Elegans Cory The elegans cory has reflective gold and green iridescence on a salt and pepper body. The elegans are

Emerald Green Cory

Emerald Green Cory The emerald cory, or simply the Brochis Cory, have an emerald green body and grow to nearly

Enantiopus kilesa

Enantiopus kilesa Here is another Tanganyikan that is so rare that we have to say the full name – apparently

False Tigrinis Catfish

False Tigrinis Catfish The false tigrinis catfish, or gold zebra catfish, is found in the wilds of the Peru Amazon

Farlowella Long Nose Catfish

Farlowella Long Nose Catfish The long nose farlowella is an unusual looking and  prolific catfish from South America. The snout

Fat Head Balzini Cichlid

Fat Head Balzini Cichlid Balzini cichlids are also called “Fat head” balzinis. As they grow, as early as three inches

Cobalt Blue Cichlid

Cobalt Blue Cichlid One of the most popular mbunas due to its solid cobalt blue color and gets along with

Cobalt Discus

Cobalt Discus Cobalt discus are diamond blue discus with one or more black vertical stripes on the body. The stripes

Colombian Ram

Colombian Ram Ram is short for the species name “ramireze”, but also reminiscent of their tendency to butt heads like

Compressiceps Cichlid

Compressiceps Cichlid A strange looking fish with the scary nick name Malawi Eye-biter, they are no worse than any other

Compressiceps Cichlid Albino

Compressiceps Cichlid Albino Already a strange looking fish with the scary nick name Malawi Eye-biter, the albino compressiceps features red

Copadichromis mbenjii

Copadichromis mbenjii The copadichromis azureus mbenjii is a rare cousin of the more common African cichlid borleyi kadango. The copadichromis

Cory Adolfoi

Adolfoi Cory Adolfoi cory are so named for the mask across their face. These are wild caught in Brazil in

Cory Concolor Venezuela

Concolor Cory Venezuala Also called the Venezuelan Cory, the concolor cory is rare and has a distinct color pattern. The boy

Cory CW-045

Cory CW-045 The CW-045 cory is sometimes called the False Armatus Cory since it has a similar appearance to the armatus

Cory False Eques

False Eques Cory The false eques cory is caught in Colombia and has similar markings to the true eques cory

Cory Hastatus

Cory Hastatus The hastatus cory is a rare pygmy cory from Brazil. The regular pygmy pygmeus cory is often misidentified

Cory Kanei

Cory Kanei Cory kanei has markings on the head similar to the bandit cory but the kanei cory has leopard

Cory Multiradiatus

Cory Multiradiatus The Hognose brochis, or more elegantly named cory multiradiatus, is the largest of the aquarium cory and are

Cory Septentrionalis

Cory Septentrionalis Long nose corydora, such as the cory septentrionalis (saying the name makes you smarter) have longer snouts which

Cupid Cichlid

Cupid Cichlid Wild cupido or Cupid cichlids have a little bullseye pattern for cupid’s arrow. These are gentle South American

Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef

Zebra Afra Cichlid The zebra afra cichlid, or dogtooth cichlid, maybe the most colorful of the dwarf cichlids from Lake

Cyprichromis leptosoma kitumba

Cyprichromis leptosoma kitumba The beautiful cyprichromis cichlid is a perfect example of the dither fish. Dithering fish are schooling fish that,

Daemon Cichlid

Daemon Cichlid Eartheaters are a group of species, most belonging to the genus geophagus that share physical characteristics – when

Debauwi catfish

Debauwi Catfish Also known as African glass catfish, come from the Congo River tributaries and grow to about four inches.

Demasoni Cichlid

Demasoni Cichlid Demasoni are beautiful and curious fish, continuously exploring the nooks around the aquarium. They only get to 4”

Diamond Blue Discus

Diamond Blue Discus Diamond blue discus, or blue diamond discus, were developed by Jack Wattley in the United Stated in

Diamond Blue Flowerhorn

Diamond Blue Flowerhorn Like the blood red parrot cichlid, the flowerhorn cichlid is a successful hybrid from two or several

Dolphin Cichlid

Dolphin Cichlid The dolphin cichlid is also called the moori cichlid. This fish really does resemble a dolphin as it

Bronze Cory

Bronze Cory The bronze cory, or cory aeneus, is the wild parent cory of many variations found in the Amazon

Buescheri Cichlid

Buescheri Cichlid AFS uses a select breeder to bring out the best color for this cichlid, and the larger it

Buffalo Head Cichlid

Buffalo Head Cichlid The Buffalo Head Cichlid, also called the Lionhead cichlid or African blockhead, have a distinct fat forehead

Bulu Point Tropheus

Bulu Point Tropheus The bulu point tropheus moorii, or cherry spot tropheus, displays large cherry red blotches on a black

Bumblebee Catfish

Bumblebee Catfish The bumblebee catfish, or dwarf marble catfish, comes from small streams in Colombia and Venezuela. These catfish are

Bumblebee Cichlid

Bumblebee Cichlid Just like the name, this “honey” of a fish has the coloration of a bumblebee. The bumblebee cichlid

Buttikoferi Cichlid

Buttikoferi Cichlid Once this fish gets to ten inches it should be given its own tank or eaten. This is